Hello again! No, I have not dropped off the face of the planet, I'm just very behind on updating this thing. Allow me to extend my apologies to those of you who have been waiting there at your screens with baited breath, no sleep, and a box of saltine crackers for the past two weeks in hopes that you may learn of my most recent exploits.
To the rest of you, allow me to extend a blog.
One thing of note that I neglected to mention last blog happened on that Saturday night when my roommates and I went to hang out in the park. We were there to see one of the very last showings of the fireworks show released for the 50th anniversary of the park's opening. Since next year is the 60th anniversary, and right now is the holiday season with a special holiday fireworks show, the 50th anniversary show was officially retired after it graced the skies over the Sleeping Beauty castle on November 2nd. It was really beautiful, and I'm so glad I was able to experience it before it went away for good. It began with a speech by Julie Andrews, commemorating Walt's accomplishment. The show consisted of a mini fireworks display themed by each land and featuring the music from the most iconic rides. My favorite part was Pirates of the Caribbean, with fireworks imitating cannon-fire. Also, after careful consideration and hours and hours of deliberation (not really) I'm mostly pretty-ish sure that Pirates is my favorite attraction. Anyway, Julie Andrews capped the show, but then turned it over to a recording of Walt's speech at the park opening and a fabulous flurry of fireworks (also, alliteration). Super magical time. Those fireworks will always give me feels.
The next day, Sunday, I would have completely forgotten about daylight savings time unless one of my roommates had reminded me. Still, despite the extra hour of sleep, I felt really out of it the entire day at work, and I don't really know why. That week in general was just kind of weird...
Monday, I did actually make it out to Burbank to go to a makeup rehearsal! And it was far. Terribly far. I allowed myself over 45 minutes more drive time than google maps told me the drive would be, and I was still about 45 minutes late to the rehearsal, because L.A. TRAFFIC. *twitch twitch* Not to mention I had to pee really badly about half the way there. However, in spite of the unpleasant drive, it was actually a pretty nice rehearsal. The gym we sang in sounded so much better than the closet of a rehearsal hall we rehearse in at the resort. There were also fewer people, so we could focus more on artistry and blending. Also, the drive back was really nice as there was very little traffic, and I made it back in less than half the time it took me to get there.
On Tuesday, Emily and I had a whim to go to the beach, but first, we were hungry. We had fantastic plans for making scrambled eggs, nitrite-free bacon, and gf pumpkin pancakes with pumpkin butter, and then driving out to watch the sunset on the beach. The food was
amazing. But, about 5-10 minutes after we finished eating, we began to feel not-so-amazing. Now, stomach aches are pretty normal for us, so we decided to brush it off and start driving anyway and hopefully catch the sunset. But, as Emily drove and I curled up into a little ball in the seat next to her, we voiced to each other that we weren't feeling that great, and maybe the beach wasn't such a great idea. After driving around for a while to find a gas station (because Emily needed gas anyway), we went back to her house and curled up on the front lawn with some ginger tea and vented to one another about the various stresses in our lives and how that may possibly be why our stomachs were acting so evil for seemingly no good reason. It was actually pretty therapeutic, even if it didn't make our stomachs feel much better.
Wednesday, my stomach refused to let me eat anything without getting extremely angry, and I had to go to work with it behaving that way, which wasn't great.
Thursday, we had a scavenger hunt in the parks, which was very frantic, very confusing, and very fun. My stomach was doing okay-ish in the morning, but got worse in the afternoon/evening as I ate more stuff. But choir was really, really great that night, as we had a different conductor lead and fix everybody's vowels :D
Friday was my first fittings shift! It was pretty short - only about 4 1/2 hours. Basically, it consisted of receiving packages of people's orders of clothing and making sure everything was correct - the right number of shirts and pants, the right sizes, the right fabric, and the right inseam length. If there was anything wrong with the order, it would be bound in various corresponding colors of tape and put on the return pile. It wasn't terribly exciting, but it did make the time go by. We also got to fit some custodial trainees so that their costumes could be ordered, which was a little bit more interesting, as we were interacting with garments on actual people.
My stomach wasn't doing too badly that day, since all I had eaten was a rice cracker with some sunflower seed butter on it, a couple cheese sticks, and a bit of trail mix. Even then it was a bit cranky. But, after my shift was over, I got to go over to Emily's once again, and we drove to Fullerton to watch the faculty dance concert at her school! It was pretty awesome. I was extremely impressed with the choreography and the level of artistry that these students were able to portray. I've watched quite a few dance concerts, particularly from my days as a dance minor at UNM, but I'd never enjoyed one as much as this one. Maybe it's because UNM tried to be overly artsy and abstract or something and this one's subjects were easier to interpret, but in any case, I always feel like it's much more enjoyable to watch a performance, or anything really, with a good friend who's on the same page as you.
Saturday, my stomach felt particularly awful, and I had to work again. didn't eat lunch, and just packed rice with seaweed and ginger in hopes that it would not make my stomach angry. No such luck, unfortunately. But, even though I felt awful, I got to see Big Hero 6 with a couple of my coworkers after we got off our shift, and established some new friends. Oh! And I also, uh,
set foot in a bar for the first time! We didn't get anything to drink though because by the time we actually got in there, we wouldn't have had enough time to get back to the theater in time for the movie. Oh well.
Sunday, I worked, and felt pretty darn awful once again, although this time I was extremely tired on top of everything else because I had been out really late the night before to go watch Big Hero 6. It was worth it, though. Very cute story and well-done movie, even if the emotional transformation of the main character was a bit contrived. It's a kid's movie, so I'll cut it some slack. Also, Baymax is adorable.
Monday, I had the delightful opportunity of going to Disneyland with an old friend from New Mexico! He was in town for an engineering conference, but he and a friend of his ditched the day's activities to come hang out with me instead :D It was a crazy fun time of catching up and showing them some favorite attractions, and going on others none of us had been on, including Radiator Springs Racers (Daaahhh!!! Incredible!!!), and Splash Mountain...in November...after dark...not one of our better ideas. But, right after Splash, I dashed home, snarfed down some frozen veggies (after not eating anything except my customary rice cake, because stomach, again) and went to ballet after a two-week absence. It went fairly well, but I definitely wasn't at my best, for obvious reasons.
Tuesday, stomach continued its evil rampage, though not quite as evil, but still not terribly accepting of foreign matter. But, I actually had a great time during the second half of my shift, because I got to be upstairs helping with fittings for the new Main Street costumes! They are adorable, look more period, and have happier colors (the skirt is my favorite! So beautiful and twirly!!!). I can't tell any more than that because they won't be released until mid-December. It's pretty exciting to have inside knowledge like this, though! Perks of working backstage!
Holy cow this is a long entry...bear with me :P
Wednesday was the day I had been looking forward to with apprehension and excitement - my vocal audition for Belle in Hong Kong Disneyland. The morning was spend trying to frantically curl my hair, then frantically print a really crappy head shot at CVS and wrestling with their computer system. Then, I drove out to North Hollywood to a slightly sketchy part of town where the little studio was located. I arrived with quite a bit of time to spare...about an hour and a half before sign-in was even supposed to start, and I was the fifth person in line. The other maybe fifty people didn't even really start showing up until about half an hour before time. But, at least I got it over with quickly and got to talk to some pretty cool people in line. It was all over within about 15 minutes after signing in. We all waited in one big room until they called the first group (myself included) to stand outside another room where we would go in one by one and sing our best 16-bar preparation. I wasn't really nervous until we were standing outside, but I got increasingly more nervous from that point on. By the time it was my turn to introduce my piece and sing, I was shaking. I got so nervous that I forgot to breathe or support, which are kind of important when you're singing, and I cracked on a note I never crack on, and after that, it was over. I saw the casting director look down and make a note, and I ceased being in character in the moment, and just freaked out more. I didn't drive the tempo as much as I needed to, so I needed to take an extra breath in the middle of a phrase. She looked down again. I hit my last note and I was running out of breath again, so I did my cool crescendo, but then it died to an unintended decrescendo, and it probably showed on my face that I was not happy with it. She said, "Thank you, that's all we need today," and I thanked her and left. I wouldn't have been quite so frustrated had I still not gotten the part, but had known I did the best I could do. But I didn't. I know I can do better than that, and that was the frustrating part. But hey, every failure is a learning experience, right? So, at least now I know what I can do better next time.
Wednesday evening was pretty nice, though. My engineer friend was still in town, and it was his birthday. The parks were closing early that night, but I got over there just in time to snag a spot with him right behind the Partners statue and watch the holiday fireworks. We definitely got the feels. I think it was really what I needed after that very long day.
Thursday was uneventful - we just talked about environmentality in class, I worked, and then went straight to choir.
Friday was also uneventful as my stomach was better, but still pretty cranky, and I ran some errands and read more books.
Saturday was another audition, this time a character look-alike for Fantasmic! - a nighttime show in Disneyland. I was feeling really pumped about this one, confident that I could at least maybe get a callback . I had been trying to get my shift covered for that day for the past couple weeks, but kept having issues with scheduling, so I ended up not being able to get it covered. But everybody was still encouraging me to go to this audition. So, I called out of work, something I have never done unless I literally could not move. Not super happy about that, but I hoped it'd be worth it. I arrived super early once again, but this time there were a LOT more people. I was number 105 in line this time. I had a great time in line with the people I met, and I was actually feeling way more pumped than nervous. But, again, I didn't make it past the first cattle-call where they line you up, evaluate your smile, and then pick maybe 2 people out of your line. By then, I was feeling pretty darn frustrated. I didn't even get a chance to show them what I can do, and I was rejected based on my looks. Of course, I have no idea which roles they were even casting for, and it may have been something as simple as being too tall or looking too mature. But I have no idea. And I got points on my record and didn't get paid because I called out of work - for that. But, there's nothing I can do about it, except keep going, and do the best that I can at the next audition. Life isn't fair, and that's especially true in the performing world. Auditions are weird and extremely subjective. That's why I have to learn to shrug it off and move on to the next one - a skill which I should probably learn to apply to more life in general - a skill which is much easier in theory than in practice.
That's all for now. You can finally go back to whatever you were doing before.