
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 5

This past week has been relatively uneventful as I had 4 days off in a row, but happened to get sick on the first day of that. I guess my body just went, "Oh hey! Look! You've got some time off - let's just get this sickness thing out of the way now!" It was nice to just lay around the apartment and not have to do anything, but I just really hate feeling wildly unproductive, even if I am sick. I tried getting some things done - I read a couple books and wrote a couple scenes, but other than that I was prettymuch either sleeping or watching Netflix.

Despite the general laziness of being sick, my roommates succeeded in dragging me out of the house a couple times. We went to Sprouts, a health food store, and it was completely glorious, especially because I found out that they sell Sadie's hot green chile salsa :D I seriously gasped audibly in the aisle when I found it.

The day after our health food adventure, I was feeling slightly better and we had our first class. Part of the Disney College Program is the opportunity to take classes. They're generally focused on aspects of business and leadership. I'm taking Blended Learning, which sounds like it's basically designed to give you an overview of the history of the company and various aspects of the company, the information on which you will then apply to yourself to figure out where you may fit within the company, which is pretty cool. The first class, we basically just went over the syllabus and went around the room introducing ourselves, but I'm pretty excited to dive into the actual learning part. What's particularly nice about this class is that it has hardly any homework, and we get to walk around the parks for about half our classes (and we get to dress casual on those days too!).

After class, a friend of one of my roommates drove some of us to the beach! It was a little chilly since the wind was blowing, so not much swimming happened. But, we did build a glorious sand castle that we named Sandyland. There were also these ADORABLE tiny birds around. They looked like baby sandpipers, but there were so many of them that I'm thinking they might be a different species. Anyway, they were these little fluffs on top of teeny weeny legs that moved in a spastic blur as they scurried across the sand retreating from the sea foam, then poking their little beaks back into the freshly-wetted sand for tasty creatures hiding there. The way they moved reminded me a little bit of baby quail if that helps you picture it at all.

The last event of that day was my first rehearsal for the Christmas Candlelight Cast Choir. I auditioned a couple weeks ago, and the audition consisted of waiting in line for 3 hours, then finally going into the room and singing a couple scales. On the bright side, the auditioner told me I had "some nice pipes," and I get to sing 1st soprano. Yay, high notes! And there are quite a few of them, which is nice. There are a lot of Gs and As and the occasional B. We're mostly singing traditional Christmas carols, which is really lovely, except that I really have to focus on singing the melody. Ever since I was about 9, my family has gone caroling downtown every Christmas Eve in Victorian-era outfits in 4-part harmony, and I have always sung the alto part, which consequently means that I now know the alto part to every Christmas carol better than I know the melody ._. Oh well - it should be fun not scraping the very bottom of my register at least! Plus, we get to sing the Hallelujah chorus from Handel's 'Messiah'! That's one song that I do know the soprano part for! Yay! And it already sounds pretty awesome and is just buckets of fun to sing, especially in such a big group :)

I was having so much fun singing that I kind of forgot that I was sick, so I've kind of lost my voice a little bit. Oops.

Work is going pretty well so far. I keep picking things up little by little, and I think I'm gaining a measure of confidence. The people I work with are really great, and I'm really enjoying getting to know them. I've discovered which rotations I like best, and I think my favorites are sewing buttons, and Charity & Destory, which is basically just scanning garments into "retire," then taking a seam-ripper and tearing out their RFID chip. I just really like the seam-ripper part - I don't know why :P Friday got really insane because it was the night of the first Mickey's Halloween Party, so a TON of people came in trying to get that costume. What made it even more wonderfully hectic was the fact that nearly half of the purple man-pants were either missing buttons or had them literally hanging on my a thread, and it was my job to go through every single pair of pants on the floor and check all their buttons and pull the ones that were missing them. But, of course, since I was right there at the purple pants, everybody went to me with all their questions about the MHP costume, and the confusing sizing of the women's skirts, so it took way longer for me to finish going through the pants. I was just glad I wasn't on guest service counter for that one o___o    

Anywho, here's some pictures and stuff:

Pre-audition selfie for FIRST DISNEY AUDITION EVARRRR!!!!!

So, this is my super-stylish costuming costume :P

The lovely view from my bedroom window! 

Aladdin was fantastic, by the way.

Sandy beach feet! <3

Windy beachness!

That's all. TTFN!

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