
Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Continuation

Well hello there! Long time no see! My apologies - things have been a little crazy over here.

Before we go on, there are going to be some changes to the way I do this blog. As you know, the college program is over, but my journey at Disney could not be farther from over. However, due to the nature of my new position in the company, I can't really talk about the specifics of my job. So, this blog will now be devoted mostly to my non-work-related adventures out here in California.

Naturally, you're probably wondering what I've been up to the past couple months!

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A few weeks ago, my roommate Marissa decided to take me on a coastal adventure around the San Pedro area where she used to live. Our first stop was the unbelievably picturesque Terranea resort. I'm the tiny figure on the left, headed to go climb some epic-looking rocks and investigate a flock of cormorants - like I do.

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Seriously, this place was ridiculously gorgeous.

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Did I say that beach was ridiculously gorgeous? I forgot to mention the chapel Marissa's sister got married in. Wayfarer's Chapel *__* Yes, that entire ceiling is glass.

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After a tasty lunch (despite the power being out), we headed to Redondo Pier. Also gorgeous.

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The desert rat, entranced by the sea. Excuse the abysmal posture...

So! Story time! This fellow came to be known as Barnaby. Marissa had to make a phone call for work, so I was left to my own devices for about 45 minutes. I started by hanging around Marissa and just enjoying the general ambiance of the pier, listening to the waves crash, watching seagulls and pelicans. Then, I heard a loud bark. I looked at Marissa and she shooed me off with a laugh to go find it. And there he was - Barnaby - just chilling under the boardwalk, waiting for fishermen to make a wrong move while reeling in their catch. And I just stood there and watched him for the entire 45 minutes Marissa was on the phone because I'm from the desert and I have a problem...

Sorry to say, that's about all the exciting adventuring I've done here in a while. A lot of my free time is spent in my apartment doing nothing particularly exciting, I'm afraid. 

However, I have been involved in this pretty neato thing at Disneyland called Flashback, which has been keeping me VERY busy! Basically, there are four teams from various areas around the resort that get together and put on a mini 20-minute musical to raise money for charity. I'm on the blue team. We rehearse Monday through Thursday evenings. Sometimes there are theme nights for rehearsals where you get to dress up a little bit (as long as you can still dance) and those are a lot of fun. 

One of the theme nights was Holiday night, and I had nothing to wear, so I did some Dia de los Muertos makeup, which actually turned out pretty rad if I do say so. *eyebrow waggle*

Headshot! Whee! Go Blue!

I think getting involved in Flashback has been good for me. The dancing is more hip-hop oriented, which definitely gets me out of my comfort zone! But, I do feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it a little bit, and maybe look less drowning-spider-monkey-esque than I usually do when trying to dance "cool." I had also been starting to feel pretty lonely and out-of-place since the college program ended and I transferred departments. I didn't really feel like I belonged anywhere and I was sort of in this weird limbo. But the blue team really adopted me, and although I'm not doing much in the show, aside from the big group numbers and a couple walk-ons, it's nice to feel like I'm part of something bigger and that I'm needed. I've also met some pretty great friends along the way :) 

That's all for now, but hopefully there shall be more news of more adventures soon. Be excellent to each other!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! 'Tis Mom... lovely headshot and amazing makeup for your "costume" - it reminds me of the cover of a recent NM Magazine. :-) Several of the above pics didn't load on this laptop.... hmm.... I'll check with your bro for help. Wish I could see Flashback! But really enjoyed the dancing preview you did of it while you were home!!! <3
