Some of the more exciting happenings happened two Wednesdays ago when my roomie and I decided to go to our very first Disney character lookalike audition! This one was only for people who are already cast members, so the line wasn't unbearably long. The first wave of the audition consisted of forming a few lines across a room, standing at your assigned number, and smiling and saying your name to the casting directors. Then, you stand in nervous, awkwardly-smiling-looking-happy-what-should-I-be-doing-with-my-face-right-now-oh-dear-lord-they're-looking-at-me-what-are-they-thinking-do-I-have-something-stuck-in-my-teeth-are-my-eyes-twitching-or-something-weird-I-can't-take-this-ahh-panic-panic for about 30 seconds while they decide your fate. Then, they call out a couple numbers from the whole line, and the ones who don't get called just go home. That was me and my roomie. But oh well! We just wanted to see what it was like, anyway. Officially my first cattle-call audition! Yay! Besides, I want to try and get into shows or parades anyway. I will definitely keep you posted on those :)
Pre-audition nervousness selfie
Later that evening, college program people had a special opportunity to go on a backstage tour of the Haunted Mansion, all decked out for the holidays in Nightmare Before Christmas stuff! Now, I've never really been a fan of the movie, but it did make the Haunted Mansion really cool. We got to walk all along the track and learn all kinds of stuff about the history of the ride and the inspiration behind what it is today. We got to walk down the endless hallway and feel the wallpaper, which is actually really velvety and lovely because that style was really in during the era the Haunted Mansion was designed after. We got to see the actual bullet holes in the wall and glass of the banquet hall where some psycho guest decided it was a good idea to shoot at the ghosts in there. We also heard some pretty spooky stories about the ghosts of previous cast members that haunt the current ones while they're working...
In other news, I have been working more, which is great. It's just not particularly interesting to write about, because, though generally pretty chill, my job is really just not that interesting :P I did get another 4 keys card though, which is nice :)
Class has also been going well. We did some work one week on emotional health, which was probably good for me, because I can tend to let my emotions run away with me and I need to learn to control them better. So, of course, thinking about all that made my emotions go sort of wonky because I am learning to deal with them and I have been getting better at it, but this exercise pointed out how far I still have to go. But that's okay. Part of being emotionally healthy is figuring out where I need to improve as well as appreciating what I have accomplished. So yeah, I'm on the right track, and I'm doing okay, and I have to remember that any kind of change takes time.
Thinking about it, that's probably why my stomach has been angry with me lately. I know my emotions and brain chemistry are strangely connected with my gastrointestinal issues, so naturally, dredging up some of the reasons behind some of my emotional issues so I can figure them out and move past them is bound to do weird things to my stomach. Go figure. Anyway, both are doing better now than they have been the past few days.
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, choir! Let's talk about choir! Yay! We had the soprano/alto sectional on Thursday, and I didn't find out until I got there (already running a little late) that it was not in the usual rehearsal hall, but one on the other side of the park and the trams were no longer running there. Lovely. So, I power-walked it backstage as far as I could, but then before I knew it, I had ended up in Tomorrowland and then somewhere behind the Matterhorn until I finally asked a very nice cast member how to get to the rehearsal halls by TDA, and she led me further through the park and I eventually wound my way to where I needed to be, and I was only 5 minutes late! Except I hate being late - even 1 minute late - but there were still people who walked in later than me so I got over it. As far as the actual rehearsal, I think we got some good work done. I just wish that we could focus more on dynamics and phrasing rather than still just going over parts. Also, the vowels need some work o_o but, I do think it's all starting to come together, and I know we're going to sound really cool for the actual performance, which I am totally excited for! Daaahhh!
Ballet is also going way better! I can really feel my strength and flexibility coming back, and I've actually really started getting the hang of pirouettes again! I even did a few doubles last week! I think the key for me (aside from just generally not panicking and spazzing out) is the feeling of going down to go up - feeling centered and connected with the floor rather than just trying to pull everything up away from it. It also helps to keep my weight forward and engage my core. Just in case you were wondering :P
Also, my roommates carved pumpkins! I was working while they did this though. And they became
very moldy very quickly...
I made a playdoh humpack whale though! :P
Welp, that's about all I've got for ya. I should have more interesting things to write about this week, so stay tuned! Byyyyyye!